Wednesday 9 January 2013

Purls of wisdom

I`ve been knitting for about seven years now.  And I`m still learning.  With every new project cast on (too many at the moment) I learn something new about knitting and my abilities.

For instance, the one and only pair of toe up two at a time socks made with Patons Kroy taught me that 2.25 mm needles and 4 ply sock yarn causes havoc with my arthritis.  They are pretty, but I`m not sure if it`s worth that pain again.

But this current knitting lesson you would think to be a no-brainer. After all, I am 32 years old and a mother to a five year old.  And it truly is common sense.  Which apparently I lack.

Never mix your knitting with hand sanitizer.

I work at a thrift store as a cashier and customer service rep.  Most people don`t realize just how dirty money is.  If I chose to run to the bathroom to wash my hands every time they felt icky, I`d be there more than at my register.  The common thing for my coworkers and I is to have the small pocket sized sanitizers attached to our lanyards.  Last time my local Bath And Body Works had a sale, I stocked up on them.

On my breaks, I love to make a coffee and sit in the lunch room and knit.  Most days, I remember to wash my hands as soon as I start my break.  But for some reason on my last shift, I was so desperate to work on my owl hat, I forgot.

When I picked it up again today, all I could smell was my frosted snowberry sanitizer.  Then I ran my hand across the piece, thinking that maybe one exploded in my bag.  The wool was a little tacky, but only on the last five rows.  The rows I managed to do at work.

Now that my lesson has been learned, I will think twice before knitting at work.  I will link to my Ravelry post when the project is finished.

Tuesday 1 January 2013

Let's dust this off, shall we?

Yes, I have neglected this spot for a long while.  But I am trying to change that.  Not because it's the new year, but because I've been meaning to for quite a while.

I've decided to do something a little different with this year.  Not like a resolution or anything.  Something to help keep the negative thoughts at bay.  I always try to accept the bad and take greater pleasure in the good things in life.  So today, I started a jar.

my goal for the year is to fill the jar with pieces of paper.  On the paper will be things that happened that were good and things that made me giddy happy.  I'm hoping that at some point, I will need to transfer these to a bigger jar.  In the meantime, my Planters jar will do the trick nicely.

That is all.  Please carry on about your business..

Saturday 7 April 2012

IMAGINARIUM. or when can I do this again??

Last night was the Imaginarium show, and I really enjoyed myself! I sold a few items and made a few new friends.  The wheels in my head turned a littlle too much and I now have many more ideas for other events.

Over the last few years with my knitting, I've been told that I should sell my stuff and make a living out of my hobby.  Truth be told, I do know how hard it can be to make an artistic endevor a source of income.  I worked countless hours in a woodshop, helping Mom and her business partner make a never ending amount of paintable wood whimsies for their craft shows.  Not to mention that one March break where my friends and I painted three hundred little wood hearts in nauseating home decor colours.  Bitterness aside, I was given the opportunity to see first hand the struggle that many artists face.

In short, I will most likely continue to make small appearences at local venues, and leave it as that.  So keep your eye out at Oshawa events.  You just might see me there!

Monday 2 April 2012

IMAGINARIUM apex/abyss. AKA What did I get myself into???

IMAGINARIUM is a local art show that happens to be run by two people I have known for quite some time.  I had attended the two previous shows as a supporter, as a few people I've known over the years were being showcased.  One of the event organizers has always adored my knitting and asked me if I would be interested in taking part in the show.

I thought that was a little odd, as a lot of the artists there are quite, um, macabre.  Such as QuiET RoOM BeARs. Needless to say, I was a little puzzled as to why they would approach a knitter to join them.  Through several late night conversations, they convinced me that it doesn't matter WHAT the art is, but that knitting is art.  So I said yes.

My current problem? The show is THIS FRIDAY!!!  And I'm so terrified that I don't have enough to take with me! My fears were calmed as the event organizers told me not to worry and that several other artists have had the same issues.  So I will take what I can, and go from there.

What will I be bringing? My coffee cozies!  I'm making owls like a madwoman over here right now.  

The IMAGINARIUM: apex/abyss show information can be found here IMAGINARIUM: apex/abyss

Wish me luck!

Sunday 1 April 2012

Hogwarts House Mittens

Materials needed

Worsted weight yarn in house colours
small scrap of waste yarn
set of four 4mm double pointed needles or size needed to obtain gague
tapestry needle

gague 4 1/2 sts 7 rows - 1 inch

With colour A cast on 36 sts
Divide on to three needles (12 on each)
Join in round
Round 1 k2p2 rib
Continue for 9 rnds
Change to B and continue in k2p2 rib for 10 rnds
Switch to A
Knit 1 rnd even
Increase one stitch at the start of every needle (39)
Knit 1 rnd even
Increase one stitch at the start of every needle (42)
Knit 6 rnds
Switch to b and knit 6 rnds
Break yarn
Using waste yarn, knit first 6 sts of round (You can also use a scrap of colour A)
Reattatch B and knit rest of rnd even
knit 3 rnds
Switch to A and knit 10 rnds
Switch to B and knit 10 rnds
Switch to A
knit 1 rnd
k4, k2tog rep to end (35 sts)
knit 1 rnd
k3, k2tog rep to end (28 sts)
knit 1 rnd
k2, k2tog rep to end (21 sts)
knit 1 rnd
k1, k2tog rep to end (14 sts)
knit 1 rnd
k2tog rep  to end (7 sts)
break yarn, weave end through remaning sts, pull tightly


remove waste yarn and pickup 11 live sts
pick up 7 sts from sides
divide 18 sts evenly on 3 needles
knit 3 rnds with B
switch to A knit 10 rnds
switch to B knit 4 rnds
k2tog across rnd (9 sts)
k2tog across rnd knit last st (5 sts)
Break yarn, weave end through remaning sts, pull tightly

Weave in all ends.

Questions, comments, problems?  Let me know!!!